10 Things to Know About The Beast : The President's Limo

US President Donald Trump's Cadillac limousine is known simply as "The Beast." It's one of the most famous president limos in the world.

The presidential state car, maintained by the United States Secret Service, is transported in the hold of Air Force One. It is considered as the safest car across the world. In a nutshell: It's not a car. It's a tank! Here is a look at some of the eye-popping safety features of the car.

10 Things to Know About the President's Limo


1. It isn't actually a Cadillac.

Unlike any presidential state car before it, The Beast shares little in common with a standard production car. Its chassis, diesel engine and transmission are based on those used GM's rugged heavy-duty commercial vehicles. Some standard trim pieces, like headlamps, tail lamps, and the overall grille design keep it looking like a Caddy, but underneath, it's a completely different, well, beast.


2. It has its own airplane.

The Secret Service makes use of a C-17 Globe master transport aircraft to haul The Beast, a second limo and a heavily armored Chevrolet Suburban communications vehicle, any time the President is traveling. The Suburban is nicknamed Roadrunner and it is said to be a rolling communications office directly linked to a military satellite - hence the SATCOM dome festooned to its roof


3. Calling it armored is an understatement.

There is probably not a better-armored vehicle with windows on the planet than The Beast. Its armor plating is said to be 8 inches thick and its doors weigh as much as those on a Boeing 757 aircraft. Five-inch thick bulletproof windows contain at least five layers to put a damper on any effort by subversives. And those gigantic, nearly bus-size Goodyear tires are Kevlar-reinforced run-flats capable of keeping The Beast on the road for quite some distance if needed. The interior is sealed off from the outside world to reduce risks of a chemical attack, while a special foam surrounds the fuel tank to insulate it in the event of an impact.


4. It's exceedingly well-equipped

Pop open The Beast's trunk and it is said that you'll find everything from firefighting equipment and oxygen tanks to a cache of the president's blood type. There are tear gas canisters, shotguns and, supposedly, grenade launchers, integrated into The Beast. The Secret Service has learned a lot since President John F. Kennedy's open-top Lincoln Continental was fired upon on Elm Street in Dallas.


5. It holds seven passengers.

At the very least, The Beast has three passengers aboard - the driver, the president's lead Secret Service protective agent in the front passenger seat and, of course, the president himself. However, four additional seats in the back are available - three rearward facing spots on a bench and one spot next to the president for a guest. A folding desk separates the president from his guest's spot.Somewhat surprisingly, the president's bench is covered in a dark blue cloth rather than leather (although plenty of hide is on board). Shoulder belts that retract toward the center of the bench and buckle into the outboard corners - the reverse of a normal rear seat - are included.


6. The Beast is not alone.

The Secret Service actually has a few Beast-like vehicles. Although it's not known whether they're all functionally identical, some look more like a Cadillac CT6 than The Beast. The other limousines are used for high-ranking foreign officials and VIP guests when they're in Washington, D.C. It isn't known why the Secret Service rotates between presidential vehicles, however.In addition, the President sometimes travels in a heavily-armored Chevrolet Suburban or a modified Prevost bus known as Ground Force One rather than The Beast.


7. It runs on diesel.

The Beast is believed to use a Duramax diesel engine closely related to that featured under the hood of Chevrolet and GMC's full-size heavy duty pickup trucks. Why diesel? Aside from the durability associated with diesel engines, the fuel has a low volatility that reduces the risk of it exploding - and it can be found everywhere in the world, unlike high quality unleaded fuel.


8. Its pilot is a heck of a driver.

Even though The Beast has more in common with a school bus than a sports car, its highly-trained drivers can execute tight J-turns and other police-style evasion techniques in the event of a situation gone south. The Secret Service drivers have undergone extensive training on a secluded site (believed to be a military base) with input from GM engineers and test drivers.


9. Its specs will not impress you.

Burdened with lugging a rumored 20,000 lbs. worth of Beast around, the diesel engine isn't a rocket, and the big car's top speed is said to max out at a pretty typical highway pace. In addition, all that weight makes it a guzzler; it's unlikely The Beast does better than 10 mpg.


10. It's all-new. 

President Trump has had the privilege to ride in two different iterations of the presidential limo. Until September of 2018 (when the new model was first spotted in New York City), he made use of the same generation employed during President Obama's term in office

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